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Information on napalmpiri.wordpress.com may inadvertently come in a ‘procedure’ fashion (for example do this, do this, try this). This is totally involuntarily, and Napalmpiri.wordpress.com and its authors strongly discourage you to follow this as step-by-step procedure. Napalmpiri.wordpress.com and its authors suggest it to threat any information provided as casual information, and then seek for expert advice before trying anything outlined or inadvertently suggested. Please note that Napalmpiri.wordpress.com and its authors do not classify as ‘Expert advice’: please consider getting professional help to follow you, so please find an authorized tecnician in your area to help you in person. Napalmpiri.wordpress.com and its author will not be responsible for any damages directly or indirectly related to the use or misuse or malfunction of any devices described. . The information provided on Napalmpiri.wordpress.com may include dangerous procedures or actions: play safe and ask for an expert service in the area. The information provided on Napalmpiri.wordpress.com may include the use or exposition to dangerous electrical voltages, chemical substances: please seek expert advice and avoid any damage.
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Landmarks/GPS points

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Avoid Expensive bills. Flashing/upgrading firmware or software

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