After several years I decided to make a step: get an HF radio with SSB and CW. On a general basis I despise having any antenna longer than 2m. I am a simple, very high frequency guy. The issue is, VHF and higher frequencies have their limitations, as I have mine. Besides, not having any SSB/CW radio other than the virtuoso Quansheng UV-5 KX severely limits my ability to have fun and hack things. Moreover, attendance on higher frequencies is sometimes thin and moreover, going QRP on those bands sometime annoys my counterpart. I managed to get some nice QSO on VHF but the counterpart couldn’t hear me very well on FM and such is life, I managed to get hold of a G106 Xiegu which is both portable ( I am not going to put any prominent antenna outside, at least for a while), relatively cheap, light and expendle. So the SOTA/POTA stuff becomes interesting.
Calibre+DeDrm on Linux
It makes for a interesting topic, no matter where you stay in the matter of Copyright and Right to Use. I found a good coverage on It covers Linux, so if anyone happens to experiment about making their book device-agnostic, it may give it a read. BE VERY sure to avoid infringing international and … Leggi tutto