On part I of this bildungsroman, I dabbed in binary dat files and messed with the hex editor to avoid filing 500 channels entries by hand on the Retevis RA-25. In the end, I prevailed! But I declared I had no intention to fix the script – I lied. I tend to like low hanging fruits. A brief look at the script told me a simple fix may be required. A simple ‘+1’ could be what one need to do to fix the script and avoid firing HxD at all (althoug, a brief look before opening it in the app could be in order anyway)

#row 253
if index_of_pattern != -1:
# Calculate the index of the bytes to replace
index_to_replace = index_of_pattern + len(pattern_to_search)+1
I tried at glance and the result seems promising.

Will it load on the Retevis programming software?

But what is the list is shorter? What if the number isn’t 0xF3 0x01? What if the CHIRP csv is like, 4 entries? Let’s try.

Did I try to write the resulting .dat produced with the modified script on the rig? No. The rig already works, and if it works don’t touch it again.

Credits: George J. Stodart. License (Public domain)
Should I buy another (there’s a good chance if I find some other bargain) I will try.
For now, stay tuned, stay frosty.