Basically wrong

I was born with the wrong sign
In the wrong house
With the wrong ascendancy
I took the wrong road
That led to the wrong tendencies
I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
On the wrong day of the wrong week
I used the wrong method with the wrong technique

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Fecthing mails ala’ Fetchmail style under Windows (preferably for free…)

If you are given the task to replicate a fetchmail system on a Windows machine, and you cannot rely on cygwin or Vmware, you are probably in a pinch. The situation is similar to this one: you got a fixed space e-mail box that has to be polled often, and gets filled fast. You have … Leggi tutto

Windows, Snort and Barnyard

When installing Snort on Windows […], the requirements include Winpcap and Barnyard. Unfortunately Barnyard for Windows is not that easy to find: as you can read here, you can find a packaged Barnyard for Windows at, including source. It may be useful, although not ready for production deployement. Update [12-june-09] Other interesting  Snort over Windows  resources: -Securing … Leggi tutto

Canon jx-200 auto print off

Just a quick tip if you stumble upon a Canon jx-200 Fax complaining ‘automatic printing is off’ or ‘auto print off’  or similar message… This seemingly undocumented feature (I couldn’t find it in the user manual…) can be toogled on/of pressing once briefly the power on button (in constrast, you press it longer to turn … Leggi tutto