New hardware, new problems

I recently got some new hardware, and as you can immagine, some issues. Disclaimer: I describe some procedures and link to an external website. I will be not responsible for damages caused by the operations described. I will be not responsible for the external site content or damages caused by the operations described in the … Leggi tutto

Compiling Google Android for x86 with VMWARE & Ubuntu Linux on Windows

You have Windows but you want to compile Android as well. You can, providing you install VmPlayer and a linux vm appliance. I will not get into this.  I will assume you have an up-t0-date Vmware appliance up and running with reasonable virtual RAM (>1GB) and disk space (>8GB).

Credits for compiling Android in x86 go to the guys at
Disclaimer: you can break, erase, burn, incinerate your gear while attempting the steps outlined below. Restrain from following them if you don’t feel confident. Moreover:  THIS WILL wipe whatever you have installed on your PC and  THIS IS at a rather experimental stage, so don’t expect everything to function appropriately (quoting Beware:The build process produces an installer, not a live image!

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Digicom Modem ADSL2/Combo come modem puro.

Quanto segue e’ un’estratto del manuale del modem Digicom ADSL2/Combo (8E4376).
Chi e’ dotato di un router separato che puo’ gestire l’autenticazione PPPOE potrebbe voler utilizzare il Digicom semplicemente come modem puro, senza utilizzare la parte router.  Ci sono vari motivi per fare questo, ma andiamo alla configurazione.

Disclaimer: Effettuate le seguenti operazioni a vostro rischio. Pur essendo un’operazione prevista dal manuale, diventando modem puro, il modem router non sara’ piu’ classicamente accessibile tramite interfaccia web (forse si, o forse tocca resettarlo). Se non vi sentite sicuri evitate di farlo e amen.

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