VMware tools with WMware Player


Brandon Hutchinson has an interesting article on this.

You can basically extract the windows .iso image containing the tools (you can extract the others, linux, freebsde, as well) and mount them as the virtual cd-rom in your appliance instance.

Brad goes the long way using tar and pax, but Window user can try Winrar or other similar tools. Just extract the vmware-distrib/lib/isoimages/directory somewhere and mount the windows.iso image from the player. It will automagically run, and eventually install. An host reboot may be required.

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In memory of Mark Hoekstra

On Saturday September 20, 2008, Mark Hoekstra, the author of geektechnique.org, passed away. “Mark passed away on Saturday morning. Mark had just turned 34 on the 12th.” As an avid geektechnique reader, I’d like to remember him here. So long, and thanks for all the fun. R.IP.


Time, originally uploaded by hayha. E per capire che il tempo e’ piu’ importante riflettete sul fatto che “mentre sui soldi si puo’ sempre recuperare, magari guadagnando fra qualche anno quello che non si guadagna ora, con il tempo non si puo’ fare: fra qualche anno, non potremo riavere indietro il tempo sprecato ora”. In … Leggi tutto