The hidden apostrophe against Openoffice

I had this strange problem importing a regular .csv file into Openoffice.
A field in the file would not be recognized as a number, no matter what I would do during the import process.
This happened chossing ‘Sheet from file’ as well as cutting and pasting into a sheet.
The ‘ is not visible into a cell but is present only in the formula field.
A simple find and replace will not help. Nor it will help setting a the cell format via Format Cell

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Security firm Syss reports what allegedly seems to me another case of XOR story, speaking of a false sense of security. In an article from H-Security, the reports a serious weakness in some Secure-pendrive certified with the FIPS 140-2 Level 2 certificate: During a successful authorisation procedure the program will, irrespective of the password, always … Leggi tutto