Windows, Snort and Barnyard

When installing Snort on Windows […], the requirements include Winpcap and Barnyard. Unfortunately Barnyard for Windows is not that easy to find: as you can read here, you can find a packaged Barnyard for Windows at, including source. It may be useful, although not ready for production deployement. Update [12-june-09] Other interesting  Snort over Windows  resources: -Securing … Leggi tutto

Canon jx-200 auto print off

Just a quick tip if you stumble upon a Canon jx-200 Fax complaining ‘automatic printing is off’ or ‘auto print off’  or similar message… This seemingly undocumented feature (I couldn’t find it in the user manual…) can be toogled on/of pressing once briefly the power on button (in constrast, you press it longer to turn … Leggi tutto


cara al??alia, va bene perdere tre ore della mia vita. Ok affamarmi con un bonus snack. Va bene mandare all’aria il week end. Va bene ospitarmi una notte in albergo. Ma mettermi in un pulman di palermitani incazzati come bestie è sofisticata tortura.

Asus recovery disk big RED error on downgrading to XP

if you encounter a big red ERROR message on downgrading to XP on Asus laptop, it’s a wrong setting in the BIOS Sata operation mode. It’s not your faulty lap (or at least, not only 🙂 You can try following the advice here (in italian): Thanks m-link