While Phoenix is still unrensponsive, news is that Mars’s Spirit is still alive and kicking, even if the dust problem covering the solar cell is still big.
[youtube=http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=Wi0mokw3DxI] Sto ancora ridendo…
[youtube=http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=Wi0mokw3DxI] Sto ancora ridendo…
“auguro a tutti quelli che copiano e non citano la fonte di finire sotto una lapide di marmo sulla quale è scritto il nome di un altro” (Adamo (via phonkmeister) (via placidiappunti) (via QuartaBozza.com)) mi associo spessamente e infattamente.
ma ora che ci faccio caso, dov’e’ finita la mia tagline?
While Phoenix is still unrensponsive, news is that Mars’s Spirit is still alive and kicking, even if the dust problem covering the solar cell is still big.
Phoenix is dead. It’s been a week since the last signal was received. Low light, low temperatures and sandstorms killed her, but she gave us 25000 photos and 149 days of operation, versus the original planned 90 days.
I made a bit of mess with SRIM and linux/wine. if you are interested in running SRIM outside Windows, give it a look.
Part of the reason is the rise of microblogging. I also grew tired of updating WordPress. Let’s see.
Ludwig Boltzmann, who spent much of his life studying statistical mechanics, died in 1906, by his own hand. Paul Ehrenfest, carrying on the work, died similarly in 1933. Now it is our turn to study statistical mechanics. Perhaps it will be wise to approach the subject cautiously. David L. Goodstein, _States of Matter_ (1975).
Brandon Hutchinson has an interesting article on this.
You can basically extract the windows .iso image containing the tools (you can extract the others, linux, freebsde, as well) and mount them as the virtual cd-rom in your appliance instance.
Brad goes the long way using tar and pax, but Window user can try Winrar or other similar tools. Just extract the vmware-distrib/lib/isoimages/directory somewhere and mount the windows.iso image from the player. It will automagically run, and eventually install. An host reboot may be required.
It has been some time since my last post, but I have been pretty busy outside computers.
I have some good news there: dirac is now up and running, while fermi (the XP workstation) is presently on a 54000rpm hd.