I needed to minimize some fairly complex logical functions, and I found Logic Friday very handy.
Ubuntu Lucid Lynx on Toshiba nb 200 slow/no boot
I just upgraded to Ubuntu Lucid Lynx and just found that with the provided kernel the boot is incredibly long (more than 5 minutes).
After a bit of upgrading to the last-last kernel available to date (2.6.22-32) with no aid, I decided to have a look around and see what other people were experiencing.
Ubuntu karmic koala and Glassy bleu theme
I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala 64bit.
I must say I’m impressed.
I also installed the HP glassy bleu theme, and it looks gourgeus.
Multiple ubuntu kernels
I am wondering, normal users with Ubuntu and no particular knowledge of the system are doomed having an hundred long kernel list in Grub and the disk filled or there’s an idiot proof way to get rid of oldest kernel?
gnome-network-admin docs
Contrary to popular belief, Network manager _HAS_ some documentation. You can find it here http://live.gnome.org/NetworkManager
Compiling Google Android for x86 with VMWARE & Ubuntu Linux on Windows
You have Windows but you want to compile Android as well. You can, providing you install VmPlayer and a linux vm appliance. I will not get into this. I will assume you have an up-t0-date Vmware appliance up and running with reasonable virtual RAM (>1GB) and disk space (>8GB).
Credits for compiling Android in x86 go to the guys at virtuallyshocking.com
Disclaimer: you can break, erase, burn, incinerate your gear while attempting the steps outlined below. Restrain from following them if you don’t feel confident. Moreover: THIS WILL wipe whatever you have installed on your PC and THIS IS at a rather experimental stage, so don’t expect everything to function appropriately (quoting virtuallyshocking.com). Beware:The build process produces an installer, not a live image!
I made a bit of mess with SRIM and linux/wine. if you are interested in running SRIM outside Windows, give it a look.
Clone and Pattern tools don’t work under Wine+Photoshop+ubuntu
The fault is all yours… (j.k.) but you can solve as described here (that’s is, Ubuntu: System / Windows / Movement Key, and pick “Super” instead of “Alt”.)
Truecrypt 5.0a on ubuntu amd64
UPDATE: truecrypt-5.1a-ubuntu-x64 is now available from truecrypt.com so there’s no apparent need to compile your own amd64 deb (unless you’re so paranoid, of course). I can confirm that Truecrypt 5.0a compiles and works on Ubuntu Amd64 Feisty fawn (7.04) using Heinzelotto 64 bit patch for Truecrypt 5.0 and wxWidgets 2.6.7. No problems with ld neither … Leggi tutto
Flash 9 on AMD64 Ubuntu 7.04 (feisty fawn)
I finally fixed the remain issue with the missing flash plugin on my amd64 base pc running ubuntu 7.04 Feisty.
I don’t want to upgrade right now, and swf-player wasn’t working for me.
I decided to follow the steps outlined here (in Italian, and it’s a wiki, so I’m not responsible for what you may found there!)